Anything Goes (Musicals Tonight!)
Anything Goes (Musicals Tonight!)
Closed 2h 30m NYC: Midtown W
88% 21 reviews
(21 Ratings)
Members say
Delightful, Entertaining, Great singing, Funny, Enchanting

About the Show

Musicals Tonight! brings back its revival of Cole Porter's madcap musical comedy set upon an ocean liner heading from New York to London. 

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Critic Reviews (6)

Theater Pizzazz
March 2nd, 2018

"I saw both productions with Foster and Lupone, and I can tell you that neither captured the soul of this show as well as it was done here. The intimacy of the theater changed all perspective for audience, for the company was able to highlight, through its exuberance and simplicity, the sheer talent of each and every performer...One could feel the soul of the music!...It’s worth spending $45 on this show and getting $500 worth of better-than classic Broadway musical."
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Front Mezz Junkies
March 3rd, 2018

"Jones is a joy to behold, especially when he starts out the lovely duet he has with Hope...Their chemistry is really on display in the most tempting kind of way with the delectable...The cast and crew of this ocean liner do a fantastic job turning that small stage into some big time fun and impressive dance moments...The cast engulfs the teeny stage...tap dancing to all our hearts content. Magic, is all I can say...The whole voyage is pure unadulterated joy and a delight to be on board."
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March 7th, 2018

"Kudos to producer Miller for bringing this potentially tired rerun to cheerful life, and to director/choreographer Colgan for doing a brilliant job of shoehorning all those massively talented people into that tiny space...They all pull off performances with gusto huge enough to fill a house ten times the size, and treat this period piece with respect and affection...How wonderful to hear voices! Singers who sing! And beautifully, too! Porter's songs have seldom been so well served."
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Nitelife Exchange
March 6th, 2018

"It’s as thrilling as it was last time around...The success of the evening is largely due to director/choreographer Colgan. His work keeps the show moving at a breakneck pace, only slowing down for a few beautifully rendered ballads that anchor the story to reality...Two of the brightest moments in the show come from the comics Lopez and Ogilv...Stephens has ramped up the fun, also devising a beautiful medley of 'Night and Day' and 'All Through the Night' that is immensely touching."
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March 20th, 2017
For a previous production

"While 'Anything Goes' is a light entertainment and not the kind of concept musical one expects today, Casey Colgan's superior revival for Musicals Tonight! is a fast-paced razzle-dazzle show spreading hilarity and cheer. Using a large cast many of whom have worked with him before, he reinvigorates this old chestnut and makes it as bright as a new shiny penny. The Cole Porter songs enchant and the dancing wows. Even the jokes still land. As Gershwin wrote, 'Who could ask for anything more?'"
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Theater Pizzazz
March 17th, 2017
For a previous production

"A joyous theater evening, with a generous helping of beloved Cole Porter numbers sung and danced by a young, spirited cast...It’s fresh, fast and funny, performed with affection and spirit...The show also offers grand full-ensemble dancing, comparable on the theater’s tiny stage to Busby Berkeley’s efforts in the movies...Don’t miss this glorious romp!"
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