"Turner’s production rolls over us with the remorseless, implacable intent of a bulldozer."
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"It’s a bit like one of those remastered editions of classic albums: a little crisper, a little deeper, you can hear a few new sounds, but ultimately it’s great for the reasons it’s always been great."
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"In terms of the drama itself, it is difficult for a play of this calibre to go awry...Still it kicks off with wobbles and appears like a play being performed by numbers at the start."
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"The evening builds an accumulating and harrowing sense of crushing internal logic and group-think."
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"For all its moments of poetry, this is an evening that only intermittently delivers hushed terror."
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"It’s an unforgettable opening to Lyndsey Turner’s magnificent revival of 'The Crucible,' setting up the chilling horror in which humanity turns in on itself with deadly consequences."
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"Miller’s vivid language rings out like a burnished bell. And the play’s discordant clamour is our own."
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"It’s a play of sensory beauty and moral ugliness, showing that no drug is more powerful than self-righteousness, whatever side you’re on."
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