" 'The Secret Life of Bees' is a production that will resonate strongly with audiences of all ages."
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" 'The Secret Life of Bees' embraces many troubling tropes, mixes them all up in a musical bran tub, and – I think – synthesises something new. See for yourself: you certainly won’t be bored."
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"‘The Secret Life of Bees’ has a lot going for it. But slow pacing and a muted protagonist means it never gets out of first gear – worth you [sic] time, but as bees go it’s more bumble than killer."
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"The story meanders, comes to a standstill at times and leaves loose threads. What is surprising is that none of this matters. Come for the music. Go home in awe."
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"Given how sour and racially divided the world can seem, it’s worth making a beeline for a show with a rare honeycomb heart."
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"The strength of the performances can sometimes lift a musical into a different league...The Almeida’s version — directed by Whitney White — contains some of the most impassioned singing I have heard in a show for quite some time."
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“What’s missing is more nuance and surprise to a show that wears its platitudes on its sleeve...’The Secret Life of Bees’ has much to admire and applaud, but did I love it? Not quite, though with further tweaking, I very well might.”
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"In spite of some soaring musical moments, this is a show that never quite takes flight."
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