Looking for Broadway theatre shows that are based on a true story?
Let Show-Score's community of avid theatre fans tell you the best New York theatre shows that are based on true stories! Read Theatre reviews from our members and their picks for the best biographical shows running in and around New York right now!
A revolutionary story of passion, unstoppable ambition, and the dawn of a new nation.
Featuring Michael Jackson's greatest hits and a book by two-time Pulitzer Prize-winner Lynn Nottage.
A new musical, exploring the ongoing struggle for equality through the story of suffragists in 1913.
Tragic events tear apart Polish childhood friends in this new play inspired by actual events.
The story of the Mirabal sisters standing up to one of history’s most notorious dictators.
The Kit Kat Club opens with a fresh take on the classic show starring Eddie Redmayne & Gayle Rankin.
A new show about the inspiring transformation of a GI-turned-America's first transgender celebrity.
A play about a poignant friendship amidst the struggles of a Palestinian village pre- and post-1948.