New Jersey Theatre Alliance

New Jersey Theatre Alliance was founded in 1981 by five professional theatres on the belief that the theatre community is stronger united, not divided, and that one theatre’s success is a success for all. Today we serve 19 full member theatres and 11 associate member theatres, representing 12 of the state’s 21 counties.

The mission of New Jersey Theatre Alliance is to unite, promote, strengthen, and cultivate New Jersey’s professional theatres. We advance the theatre community by developing innovative, collaborative, and engaging programs and services for member theatres and their diverse audiences.

The vision for New Jersey Theatre Alliance is to be the voice of professional theatre in New Jersey, while serving as a capacity builder, innovator, and developer of a wide range of resources to strengthen and advocate for the state’s professional theatre community.

What We Do:

We NURTURE the professional theatre community in New Jersey.

We INTRODUCE new audiences to our member theatres.

We PRODUCE the state’s largest theatre festival: The Stages Festival.

We CONNECT artists to our member theatres.

We LEAD the charge in bringing people with disabilities to the theatre.

We BUILD theatres’ organizational capacity through training and consulting.

We PROVIDE theatres with technical support and low-interest loans.

We ADVOCATE for professional theatre in New Jersey.

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62 Reviews | 21 Followers
Educator by day, broadway super fan by night! Dreaming to be on the broadway stage... no talent,... Read more
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Introduced to theatre not too long ago and now i'm obsessed! on, off, off off broadway...Love it all
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new work lover. seeker of new stories, unheard voices, fresh perspectives, and visceral experien... Read more
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I can only speak on my opinions and wouldn't dare tell you yours. You like that, it makes you co... Read more
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Scientist by day, theater-aficionado whenever else I can find the time
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My quest is to find and experience the delight of great theater. I try to find joy in every expe... Read more
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